2013 in review

by Alicia

2014 crept up on my and I have to say that I have taken the new year in stride.  I didn’t make any big goals or plans, and I didn’t think all too much about what would happen once the clock struck 12:00 on New Year’s Eve and what would come after.

I just took a look at my list, and realized that a few things happened in 2013 that are noteworthy, so I thought it deserved a post. The year was a big one for me, and I realized a lot about myself and sort of closed a chapter in my life. Since I completed the big goal of getting my PhD, I had a lot of free mind-space towards the end of the year, and I am still adjusting to and savoring in having space and quiet to hear the subtle nudges of my true self.

Here are things that took place last year, that I marked off my list:

Get my Phd (defended my dissertation in June)
Have a sleeping porch (all moved in and set up as of November–and also nap-tested and approved)
Take piano lessons (taught myself piano, starting in November)
Write a book (The Golden Rule & Sport, to be published in 2014)
Help my mom have a yard sale (Had family yard sale in the Fall)
Make Datil-Pepper Sauce with my mom (made gallons of it)
Have a fire-pit (copper fire pit, first used at brother’s wedding rehearsal oyster roast)